
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 6 & 7 - At Nako - Spiti Valley Trip 2010

Day 6 - From Kalpa we reached Nako around 1 pm and went off to see the Nako lake. It was a huge disappointment !!! The snap we have taken surprised us .. it is very deceptive. The lake does not live up to its reputation and looks more like a pond behind a village. We were dismayed to say the least.

However after seeing the lake we got to know that the road ahead to Tabo was blocked due to a landslide and huge rocks that were obstructing the road. So we had a choice - go back or wait for a day since this was the estimated time to clear the road.

We decided to wait. 

Day 7 - The next day too the road was blocked so we had to wait for another night. But we decided to go ahead and not turn back. Scores of people left the next day so Nako suddenly looked empty !! However we only had a 2 day wait. There were people who had waited for 5 days ! So we counted ourselves lucky !!!

Tips -
  • Avoid stopping for this lake if possible. It is so not worth stopping for !!!!
  • If you do need to stay over - don't bother to go to Hotel Lovon. They don't care for Indian customers. They prefer foreigners and don't treat Indians well. Even though ironically the foreign customers are more bargain savvy here !!! :)
  • Seems homestay is not uncommon so if you don't get hotel accomodation - can check this out. We did not know this when we stayed there.
  • Power is a problem - so camera batteries , phones ... will be an issue.
  • Here one is cut off from civilization. One STD booth - not working. BSNL .. sometimes works sometimes does not !!!
  • Later we came to know there is a satellite phone in this village. Can check it out if required.
  • The shawl make of yak wool is amazingly warm. Can definitely buy it here.
  • Take books if you like to read !!! :)
Things to do -
  • Check out the monastery in Nako. It is very serene.
  • Go to the other end of the village via the road. The views are lovely !!!!
  • STAR GAZE !!!! With power being a problem - the entire night sky is amazingly clear and one can see millions of stars ..... and it is a treat to city-light-hazed eyes !!! :)

Nako Lake - looks deceptively lovely

Trucks waiting for the road to clear

Solar powered street lights in Nako

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