
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 12 and Day 13 and Day 15 - GHNP and Raghupur Fort Sojha - Spiti Valley Trip 2010

Day 12 - This day dawned misty so we decided to go to GHNP. GHNP is located at a 8km trek from Gushaini and no vehicles are allowed on this road. And it was a day for drizzle !!! We got wet pretty soon !! After 3 kms of this our baby had enough so she turned back and that was that !!! :) We did not mind - we saw some great views of the Tirthan River and did not really expect to make much head way on this route with our child. It was just too long a trek !

Day 13 - We had to take a chance and go to Jalori pass - view or no view. It was our last day !! So off we went at 7am since that seemed to be the best time to start with some clearing of mist happening around 9am to 10am !!!

Must do - Raghupur Fort that offers 360 view of the mountain ranges !!!

So we took a guide, our picnic lunch and off we set out. The trek starts from Jalori pass. It was misty and the trek is upward climbing ( obviously !!! ) so we went slowly !!! Took a break after 1 hour and then climbed again !! And then the mist lifted !!!! Magical !!!!!

The views were stunning !!! All around we were surrounded by mountains in a green pasture land !!! Awesome !!!

Raghupur Fort itself is a tumbled down fort with just some of the rocky walls remaining. We had picnic on one of them and feasted of the sights around us !!!

There is a temple here too and after spending some time just exploring the area and gazing around at the purple flowers and views we started back.

Took couple of snaps at Jalori pass and then headed back to the hotel. It marked the end of our fabulous trip !!!!

Day 15 - Uneventful. We started at 3 am since Delhi is far ( 564 kms ) and more importantly the rains could cause a problem ( traffic jams, small landslides ). Reached Delhi at 4pm and took the flight back to Pune !!

Sojha Valley in the mist

Tirthan Valley River

Sojha Valley

View from Raghupur Fort

View of valley from Raghupur Fort

Pasture land at Raghupur Fort

1 comment:

Ten Year said...

Hi Vidya,
Came across your blog while googling for info on Raghupur Fort.
Excellent pictures. Loved the last one of the grazing sheep.

Here is the link to my pictures just in case you wanted to give it a look.

Safe Travels,

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